College is a place where yes, students can get away from their homes and achieve a higher education to prepare themselves for the work force. And yes, college is a place where students can have their own rooms and own private space with of course, one other person.
So, why are there still those people who congregate in the Wofford and Thomson lobbies? And, not only do they just stand around in massive groups, but they are extremely loud.
Why is it that Winthrop provides every student with their own space, but people never seem to use them?
I know it might be hard to cram everyone into one tiny room, and yes I do mean tiny. But, try it. At least you are only getting on the nerves of the people on your hall and not everyone on campus.
I just do not understand why families pay such good money, especially with tuition increasing every year, to come to a school and for people to not put their rooms to good use.
It's hard enough trying to get around campus sometimes without having large groups of people crowding the area. I think some people just don't have any respect.
And for those who also make a lot of noise while standing around, last time I checked not everyone needed to hear your conversations.
So scatter. Congregate in your rooms. Make noise there.
Last time I check the lobbies were not churches.
So, what's the deal?