Winthrop's campus is a very beautiful place. And, I do mean beautiful.
I use to go sit out outside for hours on a nice day, and just watch people walk by or work on school work. But, now when I go outside all I seem to be doing is watching the workers work on Tillman, Carol Hall, or the new student center. I mean, I love that we are getting all this new stuff, but I feel they do it at very random times.
Work started being done on Tillman over the summer, and I thought it was going to be done before the school year started, so we didn't look tacky. But, no. Hate to say it, but Tillman looks like it has braces. I mean, what the heck are they doing to it anyway?
Carol Hall is coming together nicely, too bad those of us who have watched it being built won't be able to use it. Just like the new student center, or scholar's walk. Unless you are a freshman right now, possibly a sophomore, or a 6 year senior, you won't even step foot on scholar's walk or in the student center.
Soon they are going to start working on the new library in the gravel lot.
Can't wait to drive by one day and Winthrop just be one big construction site.
I mean, I am sure that students will love these new buildings once they are able to be in use. But until that time it just gets kind of annoying. I mean you walk around campus and instead of looking at the trees or the nice day, you have to watch sweaty workers with their shirts off.
That sure is my idea of a nice day.
Winthrop, what's the deal?