There are a few things I have learned over the course of almost 3 years in college now, and just to list a few:
1. Professors do not care how much you cry in their office, if you earned a C, that's what you're getting
2. Professors don't really care if you are deathly ill, no note, no excused absence (most teachers)
3. Professors do not really care if exams are in a week, you WILL do your 4 projects and 3 papers, and then take your exam
And, this is just to list the top 3.
It is the week before exams, and almost every student is in the final stretch of finishing whatever projects or papers they have due.
Now, this only goes out to some if not most professors, who just don't seem to give a crap with how stressed you are.
I really feel like some professors think you are only taking their class that semester.
I mean, HELLO!
Some of us do need to graduate. Therefore, we take about 15 to 18, if not more, hours in a semester. Now, there are those occasional amazing professors, who just are laid back and are willing to work with their students (Yes Timbs, you are included in this). And, I don't think those professors really understand how much students appreciate them.
It's not that they are not strict on their students or slack, it's just they understand life is full of obstacles. You never know when you catch the flu, for an entire month (yes, this happened to me last year). I was out of class for almost three weeks. And, most teachers understood and let me work on stuff outside the classroom, but then there were those who made me come to their office, sick as horse, and bring my note to be excused.
I guess this blog might be mainly some venting, but I feel I am certainly not the only one who feels this way. So, let me get back to my 5 projects and 2 papers I have due today (ha).
And, I'm still smiling.
Professors, what's the deal?