So, here we have it. Obama has been elected president. Some people are extremely joyous, and some well, not so much.
I will willingly admit I did not want Obama as our next elected president, but I keep my opinion to myself to avoid arguments.
My question is, why can't everyone do the same? Didn't your mom every tell you if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all.
Why don't we all practice this, please.
A friend of mine posted on an away message this morning her opinion about the new president, and some people took it way personal. Therefore, causing way more drama than needed. Why do people feel like they have to bash anyone who does not feel the same as they do?
The last time I checked we lived in a free country, and are entitled to our own opinion. We tend to forget that sometimes when people refuse to conform to our beliefs.
It's stupid. And, QUITE unnecessary.
No, McCain didn't win, and no, he will not be our president for the next four years.
But, it's okay.
When everything is all said and done Obama will be president, and there is nothing anyone can do about it, so why are we still bashing it and each other?
I'm sure Obama and McCain would just like us to move forward from here.
So, chill Winthrop. Let's move forward.
What's the deal?
Chillin' is far from happening anytime soon. It's just a lot more behind Obama being elected President than it would have been for McCain to have won. Let's face it, homeboy's black, and as crazy as it may seem, a lot of black people are overly excited because of that. Now, some people are getting out of hand with expressing their excitement, and that definitely needs adjusting. However, the craze will continue at least until the new president's comfortably sitting in his new chair in his new home. It would just be great to just calm down with the "my president's black" and "OMG, America is in trouble now" comments...
Historic election for sure. Will takes weeks for the excitement to subside, I would say.
Lots of folks are passionately happy and I don't blame them.
i agree that it is kinda crazy. I think people just need to accept that not everyone has the same beliefs and we need to respect that. It's not fair for someone to jump down my throat if i voted a certain way or believe a certain thing, but get upset if I make a comment about who i voted for or what I think that goes against what they believe. I also think, though, that it's going to take a while for things to calm down, unfortunately.
we are on the exact same page with this one! i'm really getting sick of the hateful/ignorant comments in regard to our new president. it's over and done and the winner has been announced. like i said in my comment on anna's blog, we are the UNITED states of america. it's time we started acting like it, otherwise our nation will remain stagnant.
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